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(1 edit) (+2)

Amazing game, really loved the visuals, sound/music design and really everything. Will definitely recommend to friends. I finished the base game in one day, just long enough gameplay for one sitting but not to quick that you want more. I will for sure play the "Mystery of the Frost" now, and probably finish it tomorrow. Very wholesome story line. Over all, one of the best adventure/story games of 2020. 10/10


I really love the visuals!


9/10 Absolutely adored this game! The music and lighting and character revisiting reminded me of NITW. I especially love the art style. 


i really like this game and i have been playing it for a while and made it to mystery of the frost but i cant figure out what to do on the form a line part I've tried it so many times but can't figure it out.  

hello! send me an email at byninegiga AT gmail DOT com and i can help you out further if you specify what your problem is


This game is amazing!

Good 7/10


I really like this game but I can't find the person that likes red coffee. I would really appreciate it if you could help me.


Hi! Remember when you helped Beckie at the Cafeteria, and Leslie ordered a coffee? Well, guess what color it was... ;) 


I just finished the game. It's longer than I realized, but I'm not complaining because it was enjoyable the whole way through. I hope to play more of your games in the future! 

(1 edit) (+3)

The art, the music, the sounds, the characters and dialogues... It brings me such an indescribable joy and peace of mind! Thank you very much for this fantastic, adorable and heartwarming little game!


This game is really fun. I can't find that darn 3rd shell yet though.

Deleted 4 years ago

have you been to the shop yet?

Yeah, I went in there but I probably just didn't do the thing right. Anyways, I can probably figure it out myself. Don't wanna spoil the hunt for anyone else. 


damn why is this game free?


so as many people can play it as possible


Hi hello! I really love this game and I absolutely adore the style and the characters, but I can't seem to find a patch to plant the seed of hope :'3 considering I've planted all the seeds.


hello! the seed of hope should not be planted in wabika - it's for "taking home"! (in game terms, it means it has no actual use except for the end credits haha)

oohh i see i see! ( ^w^) but i have another question: do I have to plant the seeds in a specific place? or is it ok to plant them just about any patch?


anywhere will do!!


This was one of the most heartfelt games I've ever played, it was so uplifting and investing, I'm really glad I found it. Thank you so much for putting your time into making it. I really look forward to seeing what projects you make in the future! :)


Great game about kindness! It's clear you've put thought and care into the characters, and I like your creativity with the nonviolence. If you're still actively developing, can I offer a few suggestions?

Not sure what tools are available with your engine, but packaging in a way that doesn't require users to download java would make it easier for more people to discover.

Walking back and forth can get boring, which is why most violent games would use fighting as a core loop in between dialog. Some kind of action, perhaps something aligned with the theme of compassion would be really impressive, though I have no idea what that might be...

Anyway, I really enjoyed this! Will be looking out for your future projects :)

hello! i appreciate your suggestions - it's rather funny, those are both things i'm addressing with my next project, with the use of the Unity engine and the introduction of a combat system (which can be disabled for those who don't wish to engage in it.)

Sometimes I felt like I wanted a run ability, but otherwise I rather enjoyed the slower pace of walking around. Combat isn't the only way to make "walking back and forth" more active. I could see something like tending plants or interacting with animals along the way, perhaps procedurally generated in a longer game (it might not be worth the coding investment in a 1-2 hour game). When I was in the stage of the game where I was actively looking for hidden items, and planting my seeds, etc, I really didn't notice how much walking about I did. 

ha, that's good! to be fair, what i'm referring to isn't a sequel to this game, just a future project. i did enjoy making this but i also want to try different gameplay styles too.


Just finished playing! Lovely! Really Lovely! I will tell all my friends to play


Wow. This is a great game. I love everything about it.


Hey, I absolutely adore your game. I have one question, I'm stuck in the training grounds where you have to form a line by lighting up the little guys, that seems to just trap you in the room, where do I go from here?

thank you! every room in the training grounds has a southern exit that leads back out to the mountain.

Thank you!!


I went on to find a few games to play so I could pass the time, found this and gave it a go, and I'm so happy I did.

This game warmed my heart and made me smile so much. The characters are sweet, wholesome and feel very real. 

I'm a 17 year old guy, yet not very good at video games :P, I really enjoyed how you can play this at your own speed and that there's no shame in needing tips. 

After finishing the first part I saw that the background changed and got excited thinking I could play it again but with a winter theme, you won't believe my happiness when I realized it was a part 2 to the original story lol.

This is one of the best games I've ever played and it's a crime how you can get it for free :P.

Thank you so much for making this!!


So nice, warms your heart, and gives you little nuggets of wisdom. I shed a tear or two (between you and me). Characters are so lovable. (Personal favorite is a tie between Barley and Ms. Jackie.) Love to you all, and stay safe!


This was incredibly lovely and exactly what I needed right now. Thank you so much for the delightful story.


I love the game, I play it with a friend but I got stuck in places thanks to my terrible English, can you put it in Spanish one day? I would love to finish it! :D

(2 edits)

hello! i'm really sorry, but i don't know how to speak Spanish, so that would be very difficult. still, one day when i have the time to configure the game and make it work in multiple languages, i'll go find a translator!

edit: please note that i am not currently looking for a translator - my apologies for the confusion

I could help you with the translation

that's kind of you to offer! are you certain? it would take a lot of work, as the game has a significant amount of dialog.

Do you know what would be the word count approximately?  

juan, i apologize for getting back to you so late. i don't think i can currently get the game to be able to support multiple languages without doing a lot of work on it first, and i just don't have that time now. again, very sorry for wasting your time here.


I really like the art style of the game.


I am curious, what engine did you use to develop this game?


I also love how you gave characters different voicelines when you talked to them twice. It's a smart way to deliver backstory and personality on a somewhat limited engine.

I was also impressed at the plotwist at the end of the second story. Very nice.


i used libGDX, a java based engine!


this game. oooh, this game. this game is one of my favorite games. i hope it gets well known, it deserves it. it made me cry, and i think it has a special little place in my heart now. i just wanna say...thank you. Forest's Secret came to me when i wasnt feeling the best mentally earlier today. im doin better now. :]

(ps, village dog? best dog. spent 5 minutes petting it.)


i'm sorry to hear about your mental state but i'm so glad this could be a slight comfort.


thank you. its become.. a big comfort now. 

Deleted 1 year ago

oops! sorry about that bug, that's very strange. i'm glad it didn't impact your playthrough at least.

as for full screen, that's my bad - i couldn't figure out how to get the game to render properly at different resolutions, haha!


Hi! I love your game and am trying to figure out Mystery of the Frost. How do you get the axe from the shop and find the back way to the library?

hello! the ax is not obtainable. the back path to the library is accessible from the higher part of the town area, just across a bridge - search carefully!

(1 edit) (+1)

I really want to talk with the developer of this game. Is the developer on discord?

hi cubyte! you can talk to me here or email me at byninegiga AT gmail DOT com.

(1 edit)

Well I also create games (not good like you). My game doesn't work for windows users, they get folder instead of file. From your game I found that .jar work in windows,  mac and linux all so I really want to know how do I make my game with .jar format. well I use unity to make games.

i'd be happy to help you, but this kind of topic that isn't related to the game should be discussed by email, if that's all right with you!



If anyone has trouble running this on Linux, these are the two errors I ran into and how I fixed them.

Error 1: Inconsistency detected by dl-lookup.c: 111: check_match: Assertion `version->filename == NULL || ! _dl_name_match_p (version->filename, map)' failed!

I fixed this one by running the game using JRE version 8 rather than 11, which is the current version. 

Error 2: java.awt.AWTError: Assistive Technology not found: org.GNOME.Accessibility.AtkWrapper

Solved using this link. Basically you go into your JRE 8 setting and turn off AtkWrapper. 

I hope this helps someone!


Also, this is a lovely, small, memorable game. Well worth playing through.


thanks so much for this advice! i'm unable to test it thoroughly on linux so this is very much appreciated


Thank you for making this!


I can confirm that these fixes work on Ubuntu 18.04. Thanks, man


This game made me a little less depressed and a little more hopeful today. Thank you.


Just found this game today and love it so far. I am wondering if there is music though, and if so how can I turn it on? (when I open the game, there are just sounds when I interact with things and talk to characters, but no music)


hello! the games audio is all diagetic, so you'll only hear music when near someone playing an instrument. otherwise the sounds are just from the environment, like bird calls and rushing water


Ok that makes sense. I just finished the game, and really came to like the peaceful sounds and birdcalls. Very relaxing game, really well done :)


Such a lovely game, I really enjoyed the art, the sounds, and the world itself! Can't believe this is free! Great job! c:


Really nice wholesome game, thanks for making it friend


I love the art in this game! I'm looking forward to playing it, Downloading it now!


i really like this game! but... i can't get past mystery of the frost yet. any suggestions? please

hi! i'm sorry to hear that, if you have a specific question feel free to email me at byninegiga AT gmail DOT com


I really enjoyed it! Very well put together game

(1 edit) (+1)

I literally cried when I finished, it was the best game i've ever played, how is this even allowed to be free again? From the art, to the story, to the actual gameplay, this game is a downright masterpiece.


wow, i'm glad to hear it! thanks for playing 


I loved playing through this game so much. Thank you so much for making this - it's clear how much care and compassion went into it! Beautiful art, beautiful sounds, beautiful writing. 


So lovely and charming! Very well done!!


wow love it :3

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