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(1 edit)

As I have experienced, the game only runs with the Java 8 version. There are two possible solutions:
- In the source code it is possible to switch (with some modifications) to LWJGL version 3 (
- The jar file can also be run with your own jre (I did that too), plus the whole fun can be packaged into a single executable binary that will work like a simple native application.

I wrote all this only because I hope that as many people as possible can run this game without any problems. :)

oh, that's some helpful stuff! ill look into this and see if i can pack it in this way. thanks so much for taking the time!

I need help, not sure if Flash is required though it doesn't exist anymore. I downloaded it and when I click the game, it says to look for an app in the microsoft store to run the game. What do I do?

hello! did you check the "download and install instructions"  on the screen where you downloaded the game?

The only thing that came with it was the .jar file and the controls/credits, I'm using Windows 10 and it should work, but I don't have anything to run .jar files. What do you use?

you'll need to install java!

Oh, thanks. If i do install it, I'll play it.


Probably one of my favorite games on now! It gave me strong Undertale vibes between the story, art, and individual personalities of each of the characters, but with cozy guitar music and a pleasing, non-violent storyline.


Just finished going through the whole game. Loved it! I really enjoyed exploring and helping out all the characters. Would love a fullscreen mode though but enjoyed it regardless. Surprised this isn't on Steam!


Such a heartwarming and cozy experience! I loved the quests and character's stories, especially the warrior one. It was just so sad! I'm nearly finished with the Mystery of the Frost storyline which I'm really enjoying so far. And I almost forgot to mention how great the art was! Beautiful and immersive world to play through, thank you for making this game!


A genuinely great way to unwind and get cozy, love it!


I love this game, there are so many small little things that makes this world just come alive.


This was such a cozy and sweet experience. Such a gentle way to spend a bit of your day


For anyone reading this and deciding whether to play Forest's Secret, I highly suggest that you do so. In fact, I implore you to do so. Trust me on this...

Damn. looks like everyone has one problem or another.


Illegal reflective access (0x7f) when running with OpenJDK 14. Does it only work with a certain version of Java?

hmm, i haven't heard of that error! i tested the game with JDK 8, so that may be preferable. please let me know if that works!

Doesn't open for some odd weird strange reason I don't know why.

Btw I'm using linux but it shouldn't matter since it's a java file, and I made it executable even tried both java rte 11 and 8, 11 had an error message and 8 showed up nothing but in itch the website it stlil didn't launch.

i'm very sorry to hear that! can i ask what the error message is?

Well i switched distro’s from mint to popos so i don’t even remember but I’m going to try again

  Exit code 0x7f (127) for (forests_secret_v2_1.jar) and i also tried making the jar executable but still the same error message

I am completely lost on mystery of the frost

i'm sorry to hear that! you can let me know where you're stuck either here or by email at byninegiga AT gmail DOT com


this was a lovely spot to wander in for a while. i had a nice evening finding everything and helping everyone out! 


Great game!


One word: beautiful. Sincere congratulations.


Love the game so much that I was sad when I thought it was over, and then it wasn't! I could come back and go through another whole adventure because of the frost section! It was awesome. You really get attached to all the characters and their stories as you try to help them out. I even helped more than four people even if I just needed four objects of selflessness. The only problem I have with this game is that I'm not sure if it has an ending? I finished all of the game, or at least I think I did, but then it wouldn't tell me that it was done so I wondered for another hour to see if I missed something because I wanted to really 100% finish it, but there was nothing else I could do. 


hello! glad you enjoyed the game. i suppose either the credits sequence or the party for you could be viewed as the game's ending, but it doesn't really have an ending per say - it only ends when you're done with it. i didn't want this game to feel like a series of objectives to be completed, more like a world that you can visit as you please. i apologize for your wasted time!


this was such a cozy little game. I enjoyed every bit of it! hope to see more like this from your games!


Thank you for this - this is amazing :D. Everything about it is great: the map is big, but not too much so, the whole atmosphere is warm and peaceful. All the small things add greatly, too: such as choosing where to plant the seeds. The aesthetics are beautifully picturesque, too: and i didn't expect haikus in a video game to be so good! An emotional as well as physical exploration, I really enjoyed how exploring felt - not too grindy, not too fast. The art style is really cool too, simple but not too much so. One can literally feel the warmth in the shops! The frogs, woodpeckers, birds, and musicians make an amazingly dynamic soundtrack, too. Masterfully made.

thanks very much!!


for anyone struggling to install this on arch linux: install the packages lwjgl and jdk8-jre


then go into the folder containing the jar file and run

java -jar forest_secret_v2_1.jar


I cried a lot during this. Thank you so much, I needed it.


its soooooooooooooooooo fantastico


This game is beautiful and awesome and I loved every second of it. I'm definitely gonna continue playing!


(2 edits) (+2)

I loved this game right from the start! I didn't want it to end ;^; I loved the frost act as well. Leslie's giving me major feels! I hope you don't mind me making fanart!!

I drew some!! 

aw, thanks for the lovely art!


You're very welcome!! :)
More may still to come.  :D 


This game is so wholesome,,,,,it made me happy ,,


For how simple this game is and how brief the interactions, I'm so surprised how emotionally attached I became to the Wabika townsfolk. Thank you so much for this, it was such a pleasure to play <3


b ro ,,, ,, thi s game ,,,,,,  b eau tiful;,,, ,   , omy ,,,this made me so happy and warm im crying ,,, the art,,music, writing,,,im very excited for future projects!! 


I don't know HOW the devs did it, but this game is simply amazing. I'm all for action and explosions and swinging around my swords in an action game, but this game was still able to mesmerize me with it's quirky world and silly cast of characters. The absence of violence and action doesn't detract from your experience at all whatsoever. For anyone planning to check this game out, be sure to spend some time on it because it doesn't take only 30 minutes to complete like some indie games (this is a good thing! I LOVE when there's a lot of effort and content poured into a game). Amazing game developers. I wasn't able to fully finish the game as I'm on a vacation rn, but will DEFINITELY do so when I get back :) If you guys want to check out a gameplay of the game, you can check out this video here! 


so glad you enjoyed! my brother, bynine, really did this all by himself! <3


An amazing game! Definitely recommend it.

Also the chirping sounds of the birds - makes me feel as if I am for real in a forest.


ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, WONDERFUL, LOVELY GAME! Tank you very much for cheering me up!!!


What a charming world full of wonders! Definitely glad I found this game.


I love the simple approach to the design of the game. The characters are adorable, humble and fantastical; the relation of the world and the magic system is vague, but I think that's what keeps it interesting, more so when you try to decipher what's happening to the character's homeland. The story is beautiful; a short, wholesome and emotional journey. Well worth a play. 

Note to devs: I've had a particular glitch every now and then where using the golden shell causes the terrain to spasm and go white. 

Another note to devs: Please make another expansion. 

thanks so much! would you mind clarifying about the golden shell? do you mean the shell phone? because the golden shell shouldn't be able to do anything 

Whoops, yes; the shell phone. Sometimes when I use it, everything the character sprite goes white and glitchy. I am using windows 10. 

thanks for the heads up, i'll look into that!

Very nice game but when i talked the lady in the shop, game crashed :(


oh no!! what's your operating system?



okay. is there any chance you could email me at byninegiga AT gmail DOT com so i can help you resolve your issue? if not that's fine

I appreciate your interest! I think, I don't have any issue anymore.


I loved the visuals and all the characters in this game. “Mystery of the Frost” was a bit frustrating at times, but i enjoyed it a lot nonetheless.



thanks so much! if i may, what did you find frustrating about mystery of the frost? i was trying out a bunch of new things with it, so i'm not surprised that some of it didn't work perfectly, but i'd like to hear your feedback to help with my future games.


OK, maybe “frustrating” is a bit too much. I just felt a little lost trying to find the way to the bookshop, ended walking more than was necessary as a consequence, and then got somewhat annoyed of having to go around the snow obstacles and such again and again. Nothing major and did not spoil the fun i had.

Again, it was a fantastic game. Well done!

thanks for letting me know & for enjoying - have a wonderful day


heloo,  nice game , not bad , very interesting , rare game, does this game have an ending? ,I think after winter there are no more missions, Am I right ? , thank you for the game :D

right, that's all!


yo this is rad


thanks so much! i'm a big fan of how your game is coming out so far. can't wait to see the release!


love the game!


Hi! I literally just finished playing your game, you even came to visit my stream on twitch, which just blew my mind HAHA it's such a beautiful game! The quests and puzzles were great, just a really enjoyable experience. <3 I love the story and the message. I hope you make more!!

I have a mac and I have adobe flash player and I can't play the game either. What am I missing?

does this help: ?


This needs adobe flash player and they will Eliminate it on december, just a reminder

hello! i appreciate the heads up but this game does not use adobe flash player - it runs in java.

(3 edits) (-1)

ok so, why it tells me to download flash?

Edit: and to be more exact, it says that i need a JDk, so i touch "more information..." and send me to the install flash page, when i install flash, and i touch play, says me the same but a little bit diffrerent that past, when i click more information again, it send me to adobe JDK or something like that. in summary: i cant play it

what operating system are you using?



that's very strange. does this help: ?

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